Welcome to NaStYcOdE Team! We are a highly professional team and you can join us or even form your own team! Glad you could join us!!!

Welcome To NastyCode.Com Terms Page!

Terms of Service

IRCNow is the network of the user, by the user, for the user. We ask that everyone follow these rules:

By using our servers, you agree to our privacy policy. Services which are offered by NaStYcOdE or IRCNow are provided as-is with no warranty. If you sign up for an account, you agree not to hold NaStYcOdE or IRCNow responsible for any data loss, damages, or downtime!

NaStYcOdE Shell Account Terms

Technical Restrictions

Free Shell Account Offer

We offer Free Shell accounts for you to host your website, Eggdrop, or IRC server on custom ports on NaStYcOdE.COM VPS. You can have a Telegram bot, a web application, or an automated program and always stay connected.

Contact Us

To contact us, send an email to support@nastycode.com. You can connect to IRC on server irc.nastycode.com at port 6667 or SSL 6697 in the #NastyCode channel.


IRC is an unmoderated medium. NastyCode does not log or scrutinize the traffic which passes through this server. We take no responsibility and explicitly disclaim any legal liability for the content of any messages which pass through this server, and the results of running any commands you do as a result of being "on IRC".

© 2024 NaStYcOdE. All rights reserved.